In Person Yoga Classes in Prescott Valley, Arizona
Come enjoy yoga classes in the yoga studio located at the Pronghorn Ranch clubhouse near the pool. A community yoga studio located in Prescott Valley.
Why Yoga?
Yoga classes in Prescott Valley,
will give you the start
to a yoga practice that will change your life.
The Definition of Zuna in Sanskrit is Abundance, Success, and to Thrive.

Chitta: Mind, Consciousness
Chitta is one of the four aspects of consciousness. The aspect of chitta allows for subjectivity, one’s emotional reaction to what it sees and it’s own nature. Chitta is defined as the “mind stuff.” In the body, Chitta is the centered in the heart. Petanjali says that Yoga calms Chitta rather than destroying it. We can cultivate Chitta by simply being aware of the streams of thoughts, emotions and images.

Vritti: Waves, Fluctuations
Vritti refers to cyclical movements of energy in the spine. Vortex, eddy, whirlpool. According to Petanjali, “Yoga is the neutralization of the vortices of feeling.” Vrittis are habitual motions of thoughts associated with egoic desires and attachments, such as “I want,” and “I like.” In yoga, as presented by Petanjali, the goal is to neutralize these vorices around the ego by attaining stillness in the spine.

Nirodhah: To Control, To Quiet
Nirodha is another Sanskrit term meaning “cessation” or “removal.” Petanjali used this word in the Yoga Sutras as part of the complete definition: “yoga-citta-vritti-nirodha,” which is translated as “yoga is the removal of the fluctuations of the mind.” Nirodha is also the third of the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism, referring to the cessation of suffering caused by attachment. Once removed, Nirvana is attained.
“At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.” ~ Lao Tzu
He said, "There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live." ~ Dalai Lama

Darnell Renee - E-RYT-500
Yoga Instructor in Prescott Valley, AZ
Now teaching in person Yoga Classes in Prescott Valley
- Developing a greater awareness of the body through Breathwork.
- Creating a strong mind & body connection in one’s practice.
- Healing the body through gentle but deep stretching, such as Yin.
- Creating a Strong but Soft, warrior like energy within the body by cultivating awareness, and breath to body connection.
- A combination of Hatha, Vinyassa, and Yin Yoga, creating a very unique style of teaching that leaves the student in a state of Ananda, bliss or joy.
What are my students saying
Here are some testimonials from my students, and how yoga and my classes have helped them on their yoga journey.

“Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
“Yoga is the fountain of Youth, You’re only as young as your spin is flexible.” Bob Harper
Connect with me
Transform your body, mind, and life today.
Join me for in person yoga classes in Prescott Valley, AZ
7811 Ramblin Ranch Rd,
Prescott Valley, Arizona 86315
Email Address